Want to Stop CO2 Pipelines?
Don't sign a voluntary easement or lease agreement!
There is no need to sign a voluntary easement with One Earth Sequestration, LCC for its proposed CO2 pipeline or sign a lease agreement for sequestration. These projects are not a "done deal" and are experiencing a lot of opposition by property owners and local governments because they pose risks to human health, safety, land, and water.
Put a sign in your yard
This raises visibility of concerns related to safety and eminent domain, and shows you are directly impacted or support those who are affected by CO2 pipelines or carbon storage. Need a sign? Contact coalition@noillinoisco2pipelines.org or choose and print your own. See: noillinoisco2pipelines.org/signs/.
Write a letter to the editor
We have posted letters to the editor on our website that have been written and published, and include content you can draw upon. Click the LTE tab to see what others are saying!
Join the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines
Use the SIGN-UP form on our website to join the Coalition. You will receive invitations to our Thursday night organizing meetings, where you can meet people from other counties working to stop CO2 pipelines and carbon sequestration. Learn how to support a bill that will prevent eminent domain and forced acquisition of pore space (and more), and another that will put in place a two-year moratorium on CO2 pipelines.
Make a public comment at your County Board or City Council meeting
This is one of the best ways to get information to your elected officials. Share your concerns about CO2 pipelines and carbon sequestration, and ask them to adopt a moratorium and to intervene in the Illinois Commerce Commission proceedings, a process that will either approve or deny a CO2 pipeline project. Until we pass legislation, this is the ONLY way to stop a CO2 pipeline project. Need help knowing what to say? Email coalition@noillinoisco2pipelines.org.
Ask your Townships, Village Boards, and City Councils to adopt a resolution
Resolutions that oppose CO2 pipelines and carbon sequestration make a difference to County Board members weighing the impacts of a pipeline or sequestration project. Be sure to get a copy to send to your County Board. Go to our website (noillinoisco2pipelines.org), click the RESOURCES tab, then click the drop down menu and select “Links and Resources.” You’ll find sample resolutions there to take to your local governments. Do you want to read what other governmental units have submitted? Click Local Government Actions.
Ask your County Board to adopt a moratorium!
A county board has the power to adopt a moratorium until (a) the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration completes its rulemaking to improve safety and oversight of CO2 pipelines; and (b) the county adopts special use criteria for CO2 pipelines or sequestration. See what other board have done by visiting Links and Resources then Local Government Actions on our website, or email coalition@noillinosco2pipelines.org to ask for help.
Host a public information meeting
You provide the audience - and we’ll provide the speakers! This could be a church group, a civic group, a homeowner’s association, or a houseful of friends. Contact Pam at coalition@noillinoisco2pipelines.org if you are interested.
We need a CO2 pipeline moratorium!
There simply are not enough safety protections in place to ensure residents won't be harmed - or even killed if a pipeline were to leak or rupture. That’s why we are placing a priority on passing legislation this year! Go to our website, click ACT NOW, and then click the drop down menu that reads “We need a CO2 pipeline moratorium! You’ll find a fact sheet and an advocacy form you can use to craft your own letter, modify ours, or send “as is.” Ask your state representative and senator to support this bill! A copy of your letter will be sent to Governor Pritzker.
Post a comment on the ICC’s website
We are recommending you copy the letter you have written (or modified) using our advocacy form, and then paste it on the ICC’s public comments page on their website. Go to www.icc.illinois.gov/ and type in the e-Docket search bar #23-0708 to access One Earth Sequestration, LCC's case. Then, click “public comments” on the right sidebar and follow the instructions to post your comment. The Illinois Commission monitors these public comment pages, and we encourage you to post a comment two or more times each month.
Download a .pdf of these actions to print and share.