Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor are an important way to convey facts and opinions about a proposed project. They also can shine a light on the negative aspects of a proposal, generating opposition required to stop or mitigate harm.
We hope you will take the time to write one! Here are some simple tips for writing a letter. You can use the resources on this website (e.g., Eight Reasons to Oppose CO2 Pipelines) and draw from presentations in any of the webinars we have produced or resources we have assembled.
Read what residents and landowners have to say about unwanted, dangerous CO2 pipelines crossing the Midwest. There now are two planned: Navigator CO2 Ventures and ADM / Wolf Carbon Solutions.
Support CO2 Pipeline & Storage Legislation
Montgomery County residents and landowners in the pathway of the carbon dioxide pipeline and sequestration sites should supportSB2421/HB3119 ...
At What Cost to Suffering Citizens?
Insanity has been defined at times as doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results ...
Landowners Opposed to CO2 Pipelines
I would ask the McDonough County Board to get more involved and talk to the landowners about Navigator's CO2 pipeline. We don’t want it! ...
Can CO2 Leak into Our Aquifer?
It's time to hear the truth: The Heartland Greenway project can’t “ensure” (as they repeatedly claim) that the CO2 will stay under a rock cap 6000 feet underground ...
You Don’t Have to Let Surveyors on Your Property
Landowners: You don't have to allow surveyors on your property.. But you shouldn't ignore them, either ...
CO2 Pipeline Causes Concerns
CO2 pipelines cause concerns. A rupture actually happened in 2020 near Satartia, Mississippi, sending nearly 50 people to the hospital and requiring the evacuation of 300 ...
The Problem with CO2 Pipelines
There are better options to address climate change, which will avoid these risks. Community stakeholders such as the Faith Coalition for the Common Good oppose this pipeline ...
Landowner Worried About CO2 Pipeline Safety
Kathy Campbell, Glen Arm resident, received the letter threatening eminent domain she started doing a lot of research and learned CO2 pipelines are not safe ...
Christian County Bears the Risk
Navigator's Heartland Greenway sequestration project grabs federal tax dollars, while leaving the risks with residents of Christian County ...