CCS - a Primer

Click for a primer on carbon capture, transport, and storage. Learn about the risks, and how implementing this technology so rapidly, and at the scale proposed in Illinois, can affect your health and safety; and your land and water.

Mahomet Aquifer ban

The U.S. EPA is gearing up to issue draft permits that would allow companies to inject and store CO2 under the Mahomet Aquifer and its recharge areas. If CO2 leaks into the Aquifer, it will contaminate this water supply that serves nearly one million residents in central Illinois.

Oxygen tanks

Carbon dioxide is a toxic asphyxiant that can harm or even kill humans, depending on the level and length of exposure. Occupants of buildings along a CO2 pipeline route need to know they can be rescued before they succumb to CO2 exposure if the pipeline leaks or ruptures.

The Safe CCS Act forces One Earth to start over

The Safe CCS Act forces One Earth to start over

One Earth Sequestration, LLC, will be forced to withdraw its application and start over again once SB1289 is signed by ...
Wolf withdraws its pipeline project

Wolf withdraws its pipeline project

After receiving a recommendation of denial from ICC staff,Wolf withdraws its project from the ICC, but vows to return in ...
Victory! Navigator cancels its CO2 pipeline

Victory! Navigator cancels its CO2 pipeline

Citing the unpredictable nature of the regulatory and government processes involved, Navigator decided to cancel its pipeline project ...

Stand Up for the Mahomet!
There are eight Class VI well projects in Illinois under review by the U.S. EPA that are expected to receive draft permits as soon as February 2025. Four of these threaten the Mahomet Aquifer, which provides fresh drinking water to nearly 1 million people in Illinois. If CO2 stored under the aquifer leaks, it will form carbonic acid that can leach heavy metals such as manganese, cobalt, nickel, uranium, and barium. Heavy metals can cause severe health issues, including cancer, liver damage, and anemia.

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Click to track adopted resolutions and bans here

News and Actions

CCS Action Network Launch

CCS Action Network Launch

Join the February 13, 7pm (CT) CCS Action Network launch featuring Congressman Ro Khanna. Learn why 45Q subsidies should be repealed ...
End 45Q Subsidies!

End 45Q Subsidies!

Hundreds of environmental groups from across the country sent a letter urging Congress to repeal carbon capture and sequestration tax credits ...
ADM leaks raise concerns about protecting the Mahomet Aquifer

ADM leaks raise concerns about protecting the Mahomet Aquifer

ADM's monitoring well leaks heighten concerns about storing CO2 under the Mahomet Aquifer, a sole-source aquifer that serves 1 million people ...
What is in PHMSA's CO2 rule?

What is in PHMSA’s CO2 rule?

How good is the CO2 pipeline rule released in the final days of the Biden Administration? What needs to happen to move it forward? ...
Champaign County Acts to Protect the Mahomet Aquifer

Champaign County Acts to Protect the Mahomet Aquifer

At their January 23 meeting, the Champaign County Board approved a 12-month moratorium on carbon sequestration to protect the Mahomet Aquifer ...
Adopt a Resolution or Ban to Protect the Mahomet

Adopt a Resolution or Ban to Protect the Mahomet

Ask your city, town, and county to adopt a resolution asking the state to protect the Mahomet Aquifer from CO2 pollution! ...
Poll results on use of eminent domain and Mahomet Aquifer

Poll results on use of eminent domain and Mahomet Aquifer

Poll shows majority of Illinois voters oppose use of eminent domain by private companies for CO2 projects and do not want CO2 stored under Mahomet ...


Latest Videos

Don’t mess with the aquifer!

The U.S. EPA is gearing up to issue draft permits for companies to inject and/or store CO2 under the Mahomet ...

Illinois residents call for regulation of CCS

On April 17, 2024, Illinois farmers, landowners and environmental organizations marched to the Illinois capital, calling for the regulation of ...

Nationwide Indiscretion

Instead of considering large-scale CO2 pipelines as one comprehensive project, the Corps of Engineers is expediting pipeline approval. Sign our ...

Get the facts on hydrogen

Can IRA-funded tax incentives for hydrogen infrastructure really deliver an effective low carbon fuel for the future? Get the facts! ...

Concerns – Safety and CCS

Learn about the risks of sequestration and CO2 pipelines, using Navigator's project in Christian County, Illinois as an example ...