Sangamon County Will Vote on Two Proposals to Stop Navigator
August 8, 2023, 6pm, BOS Center, Springfield Center
On July 17, nearly 500 people packed the Bank of Springfield Convention Center to voice their opposition to Navigator Heartland Greenway’s proposed CO2 pipeline. Opponents along the pipeline route urged the County Board to deny project development agreements and take a strong stand against Navigator to protect residents, farmland, and drinking water. The Sangamon County Zoning Committee listened to what YOU had to say, and subsequently moved two pieces of protective legislation to the County Board for action.
County Board Votes on August 8
This coming Tuesday, August 8, at 6pm, the Board will be discussing and voting on:
- A resolution to oppose Navigator's CO2 pipeline, which would run east/west into Christian County AND south into Montgomery County. Navigator has plans to store its hazardous waste in each county.
- An expansion of the existing CO2 pipeline moratorium to include a moratorium on CO2sequestration in the County.
The Board has again rented space at the Bank of Springfield Center to accommodate a large crowd. Please attend if you can! Your attendance will help ensure the County Board passes both the resolution AND the moratorium. Remember ... stopping the pipeline anywhere along Navigator's route means stopping it everywhere.
The moratorium is a legal act the Board can take to prevent CO2 pipeline and sequestration projects from being onstructed until the federal government completes its rule-making for improved safety and oversight. We expect the new rules to include guidance on modeling to more accurately identify impact areas. Improved modeling will help with emergency planning and make sure a CO2 pipeline's route will, in the event of a rupture, be set back far enough to keep communities, rural residences, and sensitive land uses (e.g.,hospitals, nursing homes, and day care centers) safe from harm.
See the flier, below, for more information, and please spread the word!