CO2 pipelines risks, threats to health
What do decision-makers need to know about health and environmental risks from CO2 pipelines planned across the country?
What do decision-makers need to know about health and environmental risks from CO2 pipelines planned across the country?
eve Hess, landowner and farmer in McDonough County, IL, discusses the lasting impact that pipeline construction can have on farmland.
With government subsidies the table are financial incentives for companies to paint a rosy picture of the future benefits of their projects.
This webinar is designed to help emergency responders and health professionals prepare a local response plan for a CO2 pipeline rupture.
Learn how to intervene on a CO2 pipeline application before the ICC. This video uses Navigator CO2 Ventures as an example.
This is the first webinar hosted by the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines identifies impacts from Navigator’s CO2 pipeline.