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Submit a Public Comment to the ICC
Navigator filed its application to obtain approval of its pipeline project with the Illinois Commerce Commission on July 25. Now that Navigator has filed, it's time to share comments of concern an opposition to this state agency.

While it is true that public comments will not be considered part of the official record, it is ALSO true that they will be read, and can influence the Commissioners' thinking. Even more important, is that submitting a public comment is a way to show public opposition to a pipeline that poses a safety threat to those who live and work along the route; affect farmland during construction, reducing crop yield; and, due to the threat, is likely to reduce property values.

How to Submit Your Commnt
It's easy to do!  Watch our video, then:

  1. Click this link, which will take you to the public comments section of the docket (22-0497) created for Navigator's project.
  2. Click File a Comment, and fill in your contact information and your comment.

That's all there is to it!  Comments need to be uploaded by the ICC, so if yours doesn't appear right away, don't think you've done something wrong. Sometimes it takes a day before a comment appears. Also, there is a word limit.  It's best to make a short comment, and then return again in a few days or so to make another.

There is no limit on the number of times you can comment.  We're hoping to flood the comments section, so that the ICC understands why here is so much concern and outrage about this project.  if you don't know what to say, look at our Eight Reasons to Oppose CO2 Pipelines; Letters to the Editor that have been published to date; and the Resources Page we've created, with videos and other resources for you to use.

Consider Intervening!
If you are an affected landowner or  represent a local unit of government,  consider intervening with the Illinois Commerce Commission!  You can read  the petition to intervene on the ICC's website.

We have formed a new organization to work with Attorney Joe Murphy, Meyer Capel, who will represent landowners, organizations, local units of government, and virtually anyone who is concerned about Navigator's Co2 pipeline. The cost of intervention is $500 (annually), and includes membership in the organization.  Click here for the membership agreement.  Contact coalition@nollinoisco2pipelines.org for more information.

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