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Your Money, Your Land, Your House, Your Risk, THEIR PROFIT! 
The Citizens Against Heartland Greenway Pipeline (CAHGP) and the Coalition Against CO2 Pipelines will be hosting a community meeting on Thursday, Sept. 8th at the Spoon River College Community Outreach Center, 2500 E. Jackson in Macomb, beginning at 5pm.

ALL residents of McDonough, Fulton and Knox counties are invited to attend, as well as their county officials and first responders.

Navigator CO2 - Heartland Greenway pipeline is proposing to lay a pipeline transporting compressed CO2 through parts of Schuyler, Hancock, McDonough, Fulton and Knox plus 8 other counties in Illinois.The pipeline captures and transports carbon and then stores it, a technology that is not yet been proven at the scale proposed or has any federal or state regulations.

According to CAHGP members this highly dangerous and totally unnecessary pipeline poses numerous problems for not only area landowners whose land will be affected, but also for those living nearby. These pipelines are dangerous and under-regulated by the federal government, and can result in loss of life in the event of a pipeline rupture.

What to Expect
Presenters Pam and Lan Richart, Co-Directors of Eco-Justice Collaborative and Co-Founders of the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines will highlight safety concerns, farmland impacts, economic impacts, and ways that the community can come together with the help of their county boards to intervene the Illinois Commerce Commission Proceedings.  This presentation will be followed by a question and answer period; an opportunity to send a petition to your county board member, asking them at act to protect their constituents; and an invitation to join the CAHGP iso that you can have group representation by Attorney Joseph Murphy, Meyer Capel, in the ICC proceedings

About Pam and Lan
Pam is an environmental land use planner and Lan is an ecologist. For nearly 25 years they were principals and later co-owners of a land use and environmental planning firm in the western suburbs of Chicago, whose work included environmental impact analyses for major public works projects. In 2008 they sold their firm to form the non-profit Eco-Justice Collaborative (EJC). EJC works collaboratively with others to advocate for sound public policy that blends environmental, social, and economic justice. This past February, tPam and Lan helped found the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines, and are helping lead the campaign, which is designed to stop the construction of CO2 pipelines in central Illinois, which would have tremendous adverse impacts on farmland and public health and safety.

Download a flyer here.
For more information, visit:  noillinoisco2pipelines.org.

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