One Earth Sequestration LLC ... We'll give oxygen to those who want it
One Earth Sequestration, LLC (OES) is proposing a CO2 pipeline that will expose people to potentially lethal concentrations of CO2. They have admitted that their project will expose people to hazardous levels of CO2 by offering oxygen to landowners who want it.
Here's what Kathy Campbell, fact witness for Save Our Illinois Land, intervenor in One Earth's application before the Illinois Commerce Commission:
"In fact their air dispersion modeling confirms that in the event of a rupture that residents will be exposed to levels at or exceeding 50,000 ppm which is above the CDC 40,000 ppm level at which no exposure is allowed. Further their plume model does not provide the gradations within their 50,000 ppm designation thus avoiding providing us with the maximum CO2 concentration to which residents could be exposed. The 50,000 ppm border is apparently the boundary before it drops to lower levels. Their solution is to provide oxygen masks and supplies to the 5 houses within their 50,000 ppm and above area. That is not a solution."
In addition, One Earth has yet to provide an emergency response plan that shows how volunteer first responders would be able to rescue residents, in the event of a rupture or leak. And even worse, the model they used may NOT show the worst case scenario. Like other pipeline developers in Illinois and throughout the country, One Earth decided to use a less accurate model called CANARY, rather than the computational fluid dynamics model that has been proven to work. For the benefit of those who live along the pipeline route and for those who will be responsible for rescue, One Earth should use the more precise Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling. Only then will we know:
- Who will be exposed to levels of CO2 the CDC has classified as immediately dangerous to life and health.
- How much time first responders will have to safely and successfully rescue people who will be affected by an accidental release of CO2.
- That Gibson City will not be affected in the event of a rupture or release, as claimed by representatives of One Earth Sequestration, LLC.
Remember ... Denbury got it wrong in Satartia. Their model did not predict a plume of CO2 could travel over a mile into the small town of Satartia. It was only later that they used a more sophisticated model that accurately predicted what happened.
It's not just One Earth
Navigator CO2 Ventures used PHAST, another simple model. Their air dispersion guidance was released accidentally, but showed that their "aspirational" setbacks would have exposed people to concentrations of CO2 as high as 100,000 ppm. That level can cause unconsciousness, convulsion, and death within ten minutes. After receiving two recommendations of denial in Illinois and strong landowner and governmental resistance in the Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, Navigator cancelled its project. Wolf Carbon Solutions withdrew their project shortly thereafter, after receiving its second recommendation of denial from Illinois Commerce Commission staff.
What Illinois can Illinois residents do? Support protective legislation!
These projects show why it is so essential to pass a moratorium on CO2 pipelines while a comprehensive CCS bill is being negotiated in Illinois. There are NO standards in place that would ensure these hazardous pipelines are set back far enough from occupied buildings. Neither the Pipeline and Hazardous Safety Administration nor the Illinois Commerce Commission regulate setbacks. This is a HUGE regulatory gap!
If you live in Illinois, please ask your state senator and representative to support the following bills:
Vote YES! Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Protections Act
HB5814 (Representative Ann Williams)
SB3930 (Senator Laura Fine)
Vote YES! Safety Moratorium on Carbon Dioxide Pipelines Act
HB4835 (Representatives Diane Blair-Sherlock and Anna Moeller)
SB3441 (Senator Steve McClure)
Write the Governor
We also are encouraging people to write Governor Pritzker. He can, and hopefully will, move legislation forward that protects residents from carbon capture and sequestration. This includes CO2 pipelines and sequestration from ethanol plants, like Navigator CO2 Ventures, Wolf Carbon Solutions, and One Earth Sequestration, LLC. But plans also are underway for CO2 pipelines associated with hydrogen, coal, and natural gas. These projects could head to Central Illinois for carbon storage, but also could begin from industrial or fossil fuel powered plants located in the Chicago area, southern part of the state, or other locations in the Midwest.