Fill out a witness slip to help pass a CO2 pipeline moratorium!
We have both an opportunity and urgent need to support HB 4835, the House version of the Safety Moratorium on Carbon Dioxide Pipelines Act now sponsored by Representative Diane Blair-Sherlock (D).
How do you do this? Please create a witness slip in support of this bill before 4pm on Tuesday, April 2. That is when the moratorium will be heard by the House Energy & Environment Committee. See how to create a witness slip, below. It takes just a few minutes. Witness slips provide a measurable statement of support.
Here is a fact sheet for the bill. This moratorium will stop CO2 pipelines until one of the following occurs:
1. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration completes its rulemaking, initiated after a pipeline rupture in Satartia, Mississippi, required the evacuation of 200 and put 45 people in the hospital, AND the State of Illinois completes a setback study and uses its findings to develop threshold criteria for evaluating safe setbacks proposed by developers; OR
2. The General Assembly passes a comprehensive carbon capture and sequestration bill that protects Illinois residents' health, safety, and drinking water from the impacts associated with this technology; OR
3. Four years have passed.
The only way to ensure this bill will pass the House & Environment Committee is to show strong support by witness sips and calls. Please don’t sit this one out!
How to file a witness slip
CLICK HERE to access the witness slip for HB 4835
Before beginning, we recommend clicking the "log on" button on the very top right to create an account. While you don't have to do this, it will enable you to view or edit any slips you enter at a later time.
Section I. Identification.
Add your name and address or information.
If you are filing as an individual, use your home address.
Use landowner, farmer, or self as appropriate.
Please don’t list an organization unless you are authorized to do so.
Section II. Representation
Enter "self" or NA, unless you are authorized to represent an organization.
Section III. Position
Original bill” will be selected, which is what you want
Be sure to click ”Proponent.” Be aware that the circle is to the upper LEFT of the word Proponent on some browsers. If you click the wrong circle, you will be showing you oppose, rather than support, the bill.
Section IV. Testimony.
Check "Record of Appearance Only.”
Click "Create (Slip)" located at the bottom right corner.
You may see a box that you will have to check saying that you agree to ILGA's Terms of Agreement in the bottom left corner.
You may also see a Captcha system to prove you are not a “bot” once you click on "Create (Slip).”