May Lobby Day Was a Success!
Over 50 advocates for HB3119, the Carbon Dioxide Transport and Storage Protections Act, gathered at the Capitol in Springfield on May 2nd for a press conference before visiting with their elected officials to lobby for the bill, which is the ONLY bill that protects Illinois residents from the hazards of carbon capture, CO2 pipelines, and carbon sequestration.
"We are woefully unprepared and unprotected without critical regulatory safeguards to adequately protect our communities from this growing scale and threat of CCS" said Christine Nannicelli. "Passage of HB3119 is needed swiftly."
Watch the livestream of the press conference, below, featuring Christine Nannicelli, Illinois Chapter, Sierra Club; Peter Schwartzman, Mayor of Galesburg,; Steve Hess, 5th Generation farmer; and Robert Johnson, South Peoria Park District.
While the bill is still being negotiated., there was bipartisan support expressed during legislative visits for its passage. Once finalized we will want to connect with our state senators and representatives again.We expect it will be considered during the late November / early December veto session.
Watch this website for new information as it develops!