Transporting CO2 through pipeline is dangerous
How can we consciously allow a poisonous vein to be installed across the heartland of our country and stamp it as “green”? Say NO to Navigator.
How can we consciously allow a poisonous vein to be installed across the heartland of our country and stamp it as “green”? Say NO to Navigator.
A Farmer’s Wealth Is In the Land; But What Do I Mean by Land? Remarks by Jessica Wiskus March 7, 2022 [Background: During a Webinar opposing the Navigator CO2 Pipeline sponsored by the new coalition, “No Illinois CO2 Pipelines,” Mar. 7, 2022 (now available on YouTube) Iowa’s Jessica Wiskus gave an eloquent statement defending the […]
Be Informed and Organize with Us! Our webinars are designed to bring expertise to the discussion about CO2 pipelines and carbon capture sequestration. Our zoom meetings are designed to connect us, and organize. Our events are designed as outreach and education. Join us as we build and expand this coalition, and stop the Midwest CO2 […]
Who Is the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines? We are a growing coalition of Illinois environmental groups, landowners, and residents concerned about the environmental, economic, and the unprecedented safety hazards associated with building a network of CO2 pipelines across our state. We believe the mad rush to build these pipelines as part of the technology […]