Poll results on use of eminent domain and Mahomet Aquifer
Poll shows majority of Illinois voters oppose use of eminent domain by private companies for CO2 projects and do not want CO2 stored under Mahomet Aquifer.
Poll shows majority of Illinois voters oppose use of eminent domain by private companies for CO2 projects and do not want CO2 stored under Mahomet Aquifer.
On Friday, January 20, Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC filed a motion with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to voluntarily withdraw its Application for Certificate of Authority to construct a dangerous CO2 pipeline through 13 Illinois counties
Don’t let Navigator control the narrative! Tell Governor Pritzker and your state and U.S. representatives to put a stop to CO2 pipelines!
Landowners file formal objection to Navigator’s CO2 pipeline. “We can’t sit idly by and let this private company destroy our farmland and endanger our lives”
Contact Your County Board Chair! County boards have a lot of power, and can regulate CO2 pipelines. But Navigator has been telling them that there is nothing they can do. That is incorrect, and delays counties from taking action that can protect their residents! County boards can: Create a local emergency response plan that protects […]
What goes into economic studies for pipelines and why tare heir rosy projections often more marketing than fact? Join us for a free webinar , 8-25.
It’s time to hear the truth: The Heartland Greenway project can’t “ensure” (as they repeatedly claim) that the CO2 will stay under a rock cap 6000 feet underground.
Navigator needs a permit to cross local roads. Given PHMSA’s announcement of the need for improved safety, can local governments say no?
If cultural resources exist and they are significant, they could become registered sites and be protected from pipeline development.
Landowners: You don’t have to allow surveyors on your property.. But you shouldn’t ignore them, either.