Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Hannah Lee Flath,, 860-634-0225
Citizens Against Predatory Pipelines,
In Latest Setback for CCS Projects in Illinois, Wolf Carbon Solutions Temporarily Withdraws CO2 Pipeline Proposal
ILLINOIS -- On Monday, November 20, Wolf Carbon Solutions LLC filed a motion with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to voluntarily withdraw its Application for Certificate of Authority to construct a dangerous CO2 pipeline through nine Illinois counties. The withdrawal marks the second time a CO2 pipeline company has wasted citizen and ICC resources by submitting a deficient application; Navigator CO2 Ventures similarly withdrew its application twice for its now canceled project. Wolf’s application drew skepticism from gas engineer and ICC staff member Brett Seagle, who just last month recommended denial of the construction permit due in part to public safety concerns. Pipeline opponents share these concerns, and plan to re-intervene in opposition to the pipeline if Wolf Carbon Solutions re-files a new application.
“Wolf Carbon Solutions is restarting the clock on the ICC process to give themselves more time to come up with answers to the many concerns raised by local residents about the proposed pipeline,” said Joyce Harant, President of Citizens Against Predatory Pipelines. “We know companies like Wolf will try to exhaust us and our resources in our fight to protect our communities, land, and water. Nevertheless, while they scramble to come up with ways to paint this pipeline as safe, we will continue our work to ensure communities across Illinois are aware of the dangers of this project and are prepared to fight back against a second application from Wolf that attempts to cover their tracks. We are not backing down.”
Following Wolf Carbon Solutions’ initial application in June 2023, Citizens Against Predatory Pipelines (CAPP) filed a motion to intervene in the ICC case, citing concerns that the proposed pipeline would destroy farmland, jeopardize property rights, endanger residents, and degrade land and water. CAPP’s opposition is part of a growing movement across the Midwest demanding property rights and stringent regulations on CO2 pipeline projects. At the federal level, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is conducting a rule-making process to improve safety and oversight of CO2 pipelines, and they hope to issue a draft by October 2024. In Illinois, advocates plan to continue to pursue legislation to maximize protections for Illinois residents against the risks and hazards of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS).
“Wolf may want us to view their withdrawal as cause to sit back and relax, but we are not slowing down our efforts to fight for protections,” said Holly Mirell, Rock Island County resident and member of CAPP. “Our current state and federal regulations are woefully inadequate for what is being planned by companies like Wolf Carbon Solutions. In its application to withdraw, Wolf insultingly suggests it can address all of the concerns regarding their plan to store up to 12 million metric tons of CO2 annually, despite having no U.S. experience, no signed customer agreements and no identified sequestration site. When they return to Springfield next spring, Illinois lawmakers must prioritize enacting legislation that will ensure urban and rural homeowners and landowners, emergency personnel, and residents in urban environmental justice communities like Peoria are protected from these dangerous projects.”
Citizens Against Predatory Pipelines is a member of the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines, a growing group of farmers, local residents, and environmental organizations working to educate Illinoisans about the environmental, economic, and safety hazards associated with CO2 pipelines. CAPP is preparing to intervene once again in opposition to Wolf Carbon Solutions’ next Application. To support CAPP’s efforts to fight Wolf Carbon Solutions’ proposed pipeline, become a member at or email
Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines
The Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines is a growing coalition of Illinois environmental groups, landowners, and residents concerned about the environmental, economic, and the unprecedented safety hazards associated with building a network of CO2 pipelines across the state. The coalition believes the mad rush to build these pipelines as part of the technology called carbon capture and sequestration is dangerous and a false solution that will keep Illinois reliant on fossil fuels.
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